Different ground-water oxidation states of Iron minerals beautifully picks out the cross-bedding in greens and reds in this fluvial Carboniferous sandstone

Contact: geology@eastlothianu3a.org.uk


1st,  and 3rd Thursdays, 2 – 4 pm


Autumn and Winter:
Star room in the John Gray Centre,Haddington,

local excursions. Times are variable and often determined by tides

Programme of talks for autumn and winter 2023/4:






Oct 5

Plate Tectonics 1 – Continental Drift, the evidence and personalities who developed and proved the theory.

Historical Debate

Tony E

Nov 2nd

Plate Tectonics 2 – The evidence for Plate Tectonics from 1945 onwards. The mechanisms, examples and impact.

Set in Stone” P4&5

Alan K

Nov 30th

Scotland’s Journey – Archean to Present – The Geological Map of Scotland

Set in Stone” P14-16

Tom S

Nov 16

The Geological Map of East Lothian – Solid vs Drift, parent materials, soils

Set in Stone” P76-78

John H

Dec 7

Time, Deep Time, Time Lords – Uniformitarianism vs Catastrophism, Historical debate

Set in Stone”


Tony E

Dec 21

Christmas do – Heroes and villains of plate tectonics and geological time


Programme for Spring 2024

Jan 18

Scotland – Ancient Times, Iapetus, etc

Set in Stone”


Tom S

Feb 1

Visit to Lyell Exhibition at the University of Edinburgh library

Feb 15

North West Highlands Controversy – a story of conflict and personalities.

Historical Debate

Set in Stone”


Tony E

Mar 7

Igneous Rocks relating to Tertiary / Palaeogene – formation, cooling and Scottish landforms

Set in Stone” Chapter 3


Mar 21

David McAdam Memorial Lecture –

Mary Anning & Fossils

General appeal

Tom S

Apr 4

Edinburgh & East Lothian Volcanics – incl. local quarries and stone produced

Set in Stone” Chapter 3


Apr 18

East Lothian Geology – Carboniferous Succession – why are sedimentary rocks missing. Folds, Faults and Cycles

Set in Stone”


John H

May 2

Precambrian – Ingenuity & Controversy

Historical Debate

Tony E

May 16

Coal In East Lothian – Formation, varieties and mining

SiS” P58-59

Ian W ?


Previous talks 2024/25:





Oct 3

Glaciers Come and Go – Quaternary techniques and person

Set in Stone”

Chapter 5


Oct 17

Glacial Landforms – Erosion & Deposition with ref to East Lothian



Sea Level Change – Causes and effects, raised beaches

Set in Stone” P87



David McAdam Memorial Lecture –

The Caves of Assynt – Climate history in quaternary cave sediments

General Appeal

Tim Lawson


The Anthropocene – Contemporary Debate

Current Debate

Tony E


Christmas do – Icing on the cake



Peri-glacial processes – processes and landforms since the ice



Vegetation spreads north – how vegetation gradually developed after the ice

Set in Stone”

Chapter 5


Feb 13

Cambrian Explosion of Life – the Burgess Shale

Set in Stone” P50-51

Tony E

Feb 27

Fossils and Rock Types – why fossils are preserved in certain situations: limestone, shales, fossil graveyards

Set in Stone” P53-60

Tom S


The Importance of Fossils (?)

Tom S?


Oil & Gas – In North Sea and Oil shale in West Lothian

Ian W ?


Sands & Gravels – In East Lothian

Link to Field Trip



Climate Change – Past, present & Future

Set in Stone” P89-92


Important documents

 Before a field trip

1. Personal risk assessment – u3a guidance for use before taking part in any interest group

If you suffer from a significant medical condition that might cause difficulties for yourself or others, take medical advice and consider discussing the issue with the group leader. It is not essential to disclose health details to the group leader or to anyone else.

People who fit within the higher at risk groups (or who are supporting such individuals) should take particular care when making decisions about attendance, with due consideration of the risks associated with Covid-19. It hasn’t gone away yet!
Do not attend if you have any symptoms of Covid-19, or if you, or anyone you have been in close contact with,  or has tested positive for Covid-19 in the last 10 days. The main symptoms are a new continuous cough, a high temperature and/or a loss of smell or taste. Sore throat, a runny nose or diarrhoea can also indicate infection with covid-19.

The leader will have carried out a risk assessment and will highlight any particular issues in the details of the walk and /or at the briefing in advance and at the start.

2. u3aSafety disclaimer

The person responsible for your safety and happiness on a walk is yourself. The u3a leader will lead the walk and will  carry a basic first aid kit but he/she may not have specific medical training. The walk leaders will show their group the route and will lead the way but it is up to the individual to take care and to know their own capabilities and limitations.

3. Activities and outings disclaimer

Members participating in group activities and outings do so at their own risk. As a

result members should be confident that they are fit enough to take part. If in any doubt

members should seek medical advice and discuss with the group leader.

Members must therefore take full personal responsibility for the decision to


Note that although u3a activities and outings are covered by third party Public Liability insurance, there is NO personal accident insurance cover. You may wish to check that your personal insurers cover you for these activities.


I have read the above information regarding participation in U3A activities and

outings and understand that it is up to me to make sure that I can do the activity

and outing safely.

I am solely and fully responsible for my decision to take part.


4. Data protection – Sharing personal information

I agree to my contact details (name, email address, emergency contact phone number, and mobile number,)

being recorded by the Group Leader, Deputies + trip organisers for the purpose of organising excursions. I also agree to my contact details being shared between

other members of the group for the purpose of arranging outings.

  •  After the walk

If you develop symptoms or test positive for Covid-19 within 14 days of an indoor geology meeting or a field trip inform Helen Horn at 07980742384 or 01368784331



Down to Earth Extra

An easy to read monthly magazine  covering current geological events  and news as well  as details of new books and holidays with a geological interest.



Recommended geology books:

Alan McKirdy  Set In Stone. The geology and landscapes of Scotland.

Emeleus, C.H. Tertiary Igneous Activity. 357-397 in Craig, G.Y. (Editor) 1983. Geology of Scotland (second edition). Scottish Academic Press Ltd: Edinburgh ISBN 0 7073 0316 8

Lamb, S. and Sington, D. 1998. Earth Story, the shaping of our world. BBC Books: London ISBN 0 563 38799 8
McAdam, AD & Clarkson, ENK. (Editors) 1996 Lothian Geology, An Excursion Guide. Edinburgh Geological Society c/o British Geological Survey. ISBN 0 904440 06 0
Muir Wood, R. 1978. On the Rocks, a Geology of Britain. British Broadcasting Corporation: London ISBN 0 563 16211


Additional books and maps you might like to consider:

Eicher, D.L. 1976. Geologic Time. Prentice-Hall International, Inc: London ISBN0-13-352500-7

 Bishop A.C., Woolley AR, Hamilton W.R., &  1999. Philip’s Guide to Minerals, Rocks and Fossils. Published by Philips in association with the Natural History museum. ISBN978-0-540-07429-7 (Previously published as the Hamlyn Guide to Minerals, Rocks and Fossils)

Institute of Geological Sciences (NERC). 1978. Haddington Scotland Sheet 33W & Part of 41.

Solid Edition. 1:50 000 Series

Jerram, D. 2011. Introducing Volcanology A Guide to Hot Rocks. Dunedin Academic Press Ltd: Edinburgh. ISBN 978-1-906716-22-6

Jones, S. 2014. Introducing Sedimentology. Dunedin Academic Press Ltd: Edinburgh. ISBN 978-1-780-46017-8

Park, G. 2006 (third edition 2019). Introducing Geology. A guide to the world of rocks. Dunedin Academic Press: Edinburgh. ISBN 978-1-78046-075-8

Peacock, S. 2021. Geology for Walkers. ISBN 9798595445238

Wyse Jackson, P. N. 2010. Introducing Palaeontology – A Guide to Ancient Life. Dunedin Academic Press Ltd: Edinburgh. ISBN 978-1-90671-615-8

Sanders, I. 2018. Introducing Metamorphism. Dunedin Academic Press Ltd: Edinburgh. ISBN 978-1-780460-64-2

Collecting and Conservation (sites and the all-important codes)

Scottish fossil code:https://www.nature.scot/landforms-and-geology/protecting-our-geodiversity/codes-researchers-and-collectors/scottish-fossil-code

Selected References
BM(NH). 1975. British Palaeozoic Fossils. British Museum (Natural History): London ISBN 0 565 05624 7
Conserving Scotland’s rocks, fossils and landforms [leaflet]. Scottish Natural Heritage Crofts, R. and 8 others. 2020. Guidelines for geoconservation in protected and conserved areas. Best Practice Protected Area Guidelines Series No. 31. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN
Digne Declaration. 1991.  https://www.bing.com/search?q=DIGNE+DECLARATION&form=ANNNB1&refig=9b75902c92224fa7a5aeb032e6d8bdd2
Geological Conservation Review Series. Joint Nature Conservation Committee: Perterborough Knockan Crag National Nature Reserve [leaflet]. Scottish Natural HeritageNorth West Highlands Rock Route [leaflet]. Scottish Natural Heritage
Lothian and borders geoconservation leaflets (previously RIGS)  : https://www.scottishgeology.com/find-out-more/geoconservation
Scottish Fossil Code [leaflet] Scottish Natural Heritage
Scottish Fossil Code. 2008. Scottish Natural Heritage https://www.nature.scot/landforms-and-geology/protecting-our-geodiversity/codes-researchers-and-collectors/scottish-fossil-code 


Sites of Special Scientific Interest (nature.scot)

Stone, P. and 4 others. 2012. British Regional Geology: South of Scotland (4th edition). BGS: Keyworth, Nottingham


Some further links:

Down to Earth Extra: https://geosupplies.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=5e1ddb80db2745d7dda6fef1b&id=a4e9426bb7&e=8b962304ae

British Geological Survey:  https://www.bgs.ac.uk/

Helping to safeguard Skye’s fossil heritage https://www.nature.scot/landforms-and-geology/protecting-our-geodiversity/codes-researchers-and-collectors/helping-safeguard-skyes-fossil-heritage-faqs

Lothian and Borders geoconservation (previously Riggs group) https://www.scottishgeology.com/find-out-more/geoconservation

Geoconservation leaflets: https://www.edinburghgeolsoc.org/home/geoconservation/

National Nature Reserves in Scotland https://www.nnr.scot

Scottish Geoparks https://www.scottishgeology.com/geopark

Scottish natural heritage “East Lothian and the Borders a landscape fashioned by geology”


NatureScot https://www.nature.scot
UNESCO https://www.unesco.org

 The following books  can be borrowed by asking Helen Horn (helen.m.horn@gmail.com):

Title Author / Editor Publisher Edition Date
Arthur’s Seat Journeys and Evocations Stuart McHardy and Donald Smith Luath Press 1st 2012
Edinburgh Geology : An excursion guide G.H. Mitchell, E.K. Walton and Douglas Grant Edinburgh Geological Society 1st 1960
Edinburgh Rock : The Geology of Lothian Euan Clarkson and Brian Upton Dunedin Academic Press 1st 2006
The Epochs of Nature Georges-Louis Leclerc The University of Chicago Press 1st 2018 edited and translated by Jan Zalasiewicz, Anne-Sophie Milon and Mateusz Zalasiewicz
Excursion Guide to the Geology of Arran Murray MacGregor Geological Society of Glasgow 2nd 1972
The Geology of Britain An Introduction Peter Toghill Airlife publishing 1st 2013
The Geology of The Lothians and South East Scotland : An excursion guide G.Y. Craig and P. McL. D. Duff Scottish Academic Press 1st 1975
Geology and Landscapes of Scotland Conn Gillen Terra 1st 2003
The Geology of Scotland Nigel H. Trewin The Geological Society 4th 2002
Geology of Scotland G.Y. Craig Scottish Academic Press 2nd 1983
Great Geologists M.D. Simmons Halliburton 1st 2018
James Hutton – Present and Future G.Y. Craig and J.H. Hull Geological Society, London 1st 1999 Special publication no. 150
James Hutton The Founder of modern Geology Donald B. McIntyre and Alan McKirdy The Stat

ionery Office

1st 1997
On The Map Simon Garfield Profile Books Ltd 2013
Revolutions in the Earth : James Hutton and the true age of the World Stephen Baxter Widenfeld and Nicholson 1st 2003
The Man who found Time Jack Repcheck Pocket Books 1st 2004
The Map that changed the World Simon Winchester Penguin Books 1st 2002


We are about to start year 2 of  a three year Rolling Curriculum especially for those with little geological knowledge. Anyone with the knowledge will be asked to help with the sessions!

Useful websites for study 

East Lothian’s Geoheritage

SNH Guide to the Landscapes of East LothianSNH Guide to the Landscapes of East Lothian – Search (bing.com)

An excursion guide to many of the sites we’ve visited, and some we haven’t (yet)

Links to many more sites in East Lothian, with photos

Downloads for GeoConservation leaflets

BGS website with news and many links

Scottish Geology, Publications and websites

Links to the geology of various parts of Scotland and EGS publications

SNH, Landforms and geology, Scotland’s Geodiversity


The Scottish Fossil Code