In case you missed the event, the slides and video’s from Liam Cantwell’s presentation are shown below.

David Taylor,  East Lothian’s u3a Events Coordinator wrote:

Members & Friends. I hope those of you who attended, enjoyed Liam’s talk, certainly there was plenty of discussion during the refreshments and I imagine further points were aired in your various Group activities this week. It was unfortunate the video clips wouldn’t run, so as promised, here they are. I am sure you will agree they would have added another dimension to his talk. He also mailed me a cut down version of his presentation which is attached. Liam has asked me if we have any photos of our gathering that shows him in action …….. all good for their Community Engagement website page.

Also, a couple of things before I go. 

  • The next Lecture is on Wednesday 17th April when Bruce Keith, Retired Surveyor, Historian, Author and Storyteller will talk to us about his new project “Are We Nearly There Yet?” Scottish milestones – not just distance markers, but early means of measurement and mapping. We hope to see you, 2.30 Holy Trinity Church, Church St. Haddington. You may remember Bruce from 2022, he was the “Bridgescapes” man.
  • Finally, after my call for equipment, I would like to thank Margaret Russell for donating to us a screen, sound system and projector all  to improve our offering, very kind.

Youtube Videos relevant to Liam’s presentation are:

1. Exploring Vididors Dunbar ERF plant is here

2. Viridor – Explore our Materials Recycling Facility in Bargeddie is here

Slides used during the presentation: